
Vin Gopal’s got a problem with powerful women

Boys Club: I bet you can't find a photo of Vin posing with three women

Boys Club: I bet you can’t find a photo of Vin posing with three women

The Monmouth County Democrats women problem goes beyond the fact that the party has only nominated 5 women to county or legislative offices, while nominating 26 men to higher office, since Vin Gopal became the Party Chairman in 2012.  The Monmouth GOP nominated 17 men and 14 women during the same period.

Gopal defended his abysmal record of nominating women by calling his candidates for county and legislative offices “sacrificial lambs” in The Asbury Park Press’s coverage of Democratic Surrogate candidate Vincent Solomeno’s  2007 facebook post bragging about “a swedish whore named cindy.”

“Yes, we do not run women as sacrificial lambs in races just for the sake of running women,” Gopal is quoted as saying to The Asbury Park Press.

Gopal defended his record of supporting women by citing candidates from Atlantic Highlands, Fair Haven, Neptune City and the 11th legislative district.

But a look at Gopal’s record with female elected officials tells another story.

When Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long endorsed Governor Chris Christie for reelection in 2013, Gopal threatened to end her political career.

Gopal wrote in 2013:

“Mayor Long’s most recent endorsement of Governor Christie is in stark contrast to our Democratic principles, and those of the over 250 top Democratic elected officials and party leaders across Monmouth County who have endorsed Barbara Buono for Governor and will be working hard for her to elect her in November.”


“As a result, we will be taking the appropriate steps of restructuring the Democratic Party in Sea Bright, to ensure that the voice of true Democrats is one that prevails.”

Christie said that Gopal was “playing the politics of yesterday.”  The politics of the Neanderthal era would be more accurate.

Gopal made no such threats to Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider when he endorsed Christie’s reelection.

Nor did Gopal threaten Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty.  Doherty stopped short of endorsing Christie in 2013.  Rather he made multiple appearances with the Governor during the campaign.  In 2014, Doherty went on MSNBC to defend Christie administration officials embroiled the the Port Authority scandal.

Rather than flex his Chairman muscles and “Democratic principles” with Doherty, Gopal begged him year after year to run for Freeholder.  Doherty finally relented this year and has raised a ton of money from his wife’s clients and by selling helicopter landings to fund those sketchy TV commercials that have been running on cable this week.

Gopal has no back bone to stand up to a man.  But he goes after women with a vengeance.

The best examples are how he has treated the Republican candidates that he has opposed.

In 2015, Gopal went hard after County Clerk Christine Hanlon over office furniture she did not buy. Gopal gave a pass to Hanlon’s running mate, Freeholder John Curley.

Also in 2015, Gopal and his friendly PACS spent over $1 million to falsely imply that former Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini was stealing from the charity she runs. Gopal broke up the only all female group of legislators in the state in defeating Angelini and Caroline Casagrande.  He didn’t lift a finger to oppose any of the male Assembly Members from Monmouth County.

In 2014, Gopal ran a disgusting campaign against Freeholder Lillian Burry.  He spent months falsely implying that Burry was complicit in the crimes for which former Manalapan Mayor Andrew Lucas was convicted.  Gopal gave Burry’s running mate, Gary Rich, a pass.

In 2013, Gopal went after Freeholder Serena DiMaso for the Lucas crimes and taxes in Holmdel.    He gave DiMaso’s running mates, Sheriff Shaun Golden and Freeholder Tom Arnone a pass.

This year, Gopal has telegraphed through The Asbury Park Pressthat he will be attacking DiMaso again this year….this time over health benefits that she paid $66,000.00 for out of her pocket.  Watch Gopal give Golden and Arnone a pass.  But he’ll go after Surrogate Rosemarie Peters because the Courts have determined that death certificates are a matter of public record.

Not only does Gopal not nominate women for higher office, he targets female Republicans and Democrat women who don’t do as their told, with impunity.

Posted: October 11th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Vin Gopal | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Vin Gopal’s got a problem with powerful women”

  1. Janet said at 12:22 pm on October 12th, 2016:

    Very informative article, I’m glad some people keep track of this type of behavior – yes Boy’s Club Behavior is an excellent way to put it. I hope someday everyone will realize that women in the workplace are a true asset and provide equal leadership as the men do, they should be able to receive the same considerations.