
Thanks for a great month

June was by far the most active month in MMM’s history.  There have been 32,000 visits and 57,000 page views so far month.  71% of those visitors were repeats.  Google analytics says that all of that traffic came from 8700 computers.  Unbelievably to me, the average visit is for 11 minutes, which is longer than it takes to read an entire issue of the Asbury Park Press.

According to alexa.com, only 15,850 websites in the New York area and 125,439 in the United States get more traffic than MMM.

Special thanks go out to Anna Little, Ernesto Cullari, John Bennett, Christine Hanlon, Vin Gopal, Frank LaRocca, Barbara Gonzalez, Bob Gordon, Linda Baum  Rachel Alintoff, Judge Paul Escandon, Louise Murray and everyone who wears bathing suits on the Asbury Park Boardwalk.  I can’t forget Bob Menendez’s opposition research team.

I doing my monthly review, I couldn’t help but notice the success of my friends in Asbury Park.

Congratulations to Dan Jacobson and Molly Mulshine at the AsburyParkSun.  In only three months they have made a significant impact in the local media market.  Alexa.com says that APS is in the top 200,000 of all websites nationally and in the top 35,000 in the New York area.   Mulshine was the first to report the Asbury Park Boardwalk beach attire controversy, a story that went national.

UPDATE: July 1

Wow!  I haven’t had such a busy last day of the month since I was in the car business.  The final numbers for June are 32,959 visitors fromm 9,194 unique IPs and 58,768 page views.  Ranked 120,646 in the U.S. on Alexa.

As Lois mentioned in the comments, thank you so much to all the commenters, especially the “congregation” as Lois called the regulars.  I won’t name them all because I’m sure to leave an important one out.


Posted: June 30th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: NJ Media | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “Thanks for a great month”

  1. Say thanks! said at 3:39 pm on June 30th, 2012:

    Everyone reads MMM! Art is a great contributor ! whether you are on the RIGHT or Wrong side, they all read it!

    You couldn’t pay me to read APP. Art rocks! Let him know! Say thanks! The stats prove if you what name recognition or business publicized take an ad! Best bang for your buck! Thanks Art will continue to tune it!

  2. Lois said at 8:16 pm on June 30th, 2012:

    Thanks!! Art—you da best.

    Also to Tommy, James, TR, brian, Charles M, Pilgrim, Rick Ambrosio, Bob English, Tom, Mlaffey, —-and allllll the rest of you frequent, eloquent and favorite posters of mine.

    Altogether, what a great congregation!

  3. Gene B. said at 9:19 pm on June 30th, 2012:

    8700 monthly unique IP addresses is a major accomplishment. I do offer good wishes in building up your ads so that you can receive at least some kind of return for your hard work.

  4. Dan Jacobson said at 10:06 am on July 1st, 2012:


    Thanks for the shout-out for the Asbury Park Sun! Keep up the great work yourself.

    For me, you demonstrated your power two years ago when you were perhaps the most instrumental force boosting Anna Little over Diane Gooch in the 2010 GOP primary. Well done! And I’m sure Anna thanks you for your help!

    Dan Jacobson

  5. Bob English said at 10:42 am on July 1st, 2012:

    Art…Congrats on the great numbers. Always enjoy reading MMM everyday.

    For a real demononstation of your power, please issue an edict calling for the removal of the Bader Qarmout signs that are still up. One is on Harmony Road (near Shop Rite) and the other is at the intersection of Wayside Rd. and Tinton Ave.

  6. Art Gallagher said at 11:05 am on July 1st, 2012:

    @ Dan Jacobson

    You forgot to mention that I am personally responsible for John Bennett being elected GOP Chairman as there can be no doubt that I cost Christine Hanlon at least 3 votes.

    Sadly, neither Anna nor John have thanked me.

  7. Art Gallagher said at 11:10 am on July 1st, 2012:

    @ Bob English

    I really thought Barbara Gonzalez and Joey Abburscato would have gotten those signs down by now, as well as the Cullari signs that are on Harmony Rd in Middletown by Bed Bath and Beyond.

  8. I don't understand... said at 2:08 pm on July 21st, 2012:

    How can this web site exist where it seems that the only purpose for it is for Rachel Alitnoff (unconvicted liar, borderline psychotic) can rant her vitiolic garbage deceit against a fine judge, lifelong monmouth county resident, tax-paying, church going, family-man like Paul Escandon. How can you facilitate such hate and lies? This isn’t even fair. She’s hijacked your site with her baloney. You all need to do a better job of screening your web site for such hate. What kind of world is it where someone could print such lies and not have her story (or her motives) thoroughly examined. You owe Judge Escandon an apology.