
Rosemarie Peters will not seek reelection as Monmouth County Surrogate

Monmouth County Surrogate Rosemarie Peters. Photo by Art Gallagher

Monmouth County Surrogate Rosemarie Peters has informed Republican Party leaders that she will not stand for reelection this year.

Peters, 78, was elected in 2006 after serving on the Middletown Township Committee for 18 years. She was reelected by wide margins in 2011 and 2016.

Read the rest of this entry » Posted: February 21st, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments »

Interview with Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley

Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley is engaged in a tough race for reelection to the Township Committee.

Her opponent, Vincent Solomeno is up to his old tricks.  Last year when he was a candidate for Monmouth County Surrogate, Solomeno depicted Rosemarie Peters as incompetent, disengaged and indifferent to the concerns of seniors, orphans and grieving families.  He’s using the same playbook this year as he is using social media and mail to try to convince Hazlet voters that Kiley is corrupt and incompetent. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: October 27th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: 2017 Elections, Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , | Comments Off on Interview with Hazlet Mayor Sue Kiley

Solomeno Thwarts Hazlet First Aid Squad’s Fundraising Effort

By Art Gallagher

Vincent Solomeno, last year’s losing Democrat candidate for Monmouth County Surrogate, is running for office again.  This year he wants to unseat Mayor Sue Kiley on the Hazlet Township Committee.

Support the Hazlet First Aid Squad. Click for larger view

Solomeno was the poorest performing Democrat on the County ticket last year, losing badly to Surrogate Rosemarie Peters by a margin of 58%-42%. He performed slightly better in his hometown of Hazlet where he lost to Peters, of Middletown, by 56% to 44%, while losing every election district in the township.  His effort last year was hampered when he denied using prostitutes after a facebook post wherein he announced that a “swedish whore name Cindy usually knows where to find me” was discovered online.

Vincent’s maturity and judgement does not appear to have improved in the last year.   Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: September 17th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Hazlet, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Lillian Burry will be Freeholder Director in 2017

Lillian G. Burry

Freeholder Lillian G. Burry will be named Director of the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholder when the Board holds its annual reorganization meeting on January 5 at 4 p.m. at Biotechnology High School, 5000 Kozloski Rd. in Freehold Township.

Freeholder John P. Curly will be named Deputy Director.

The five member Freeholder Board chooses their Director and Deputy Director annually for a one year term.  The Director presides over Board meetings and signs contracts for the county.

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Posted: December 29th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: John Curley, Lillian Burry, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Monmouth Dems Solomeno and Doherty confess their lawlessness at Manalapan debate


Monmouth Dems Solomeno and Doherty flaunt their lawlessness

Even if he did have sexual relations with that woman, Cindy, the Swedish whore (he says he didn’t and the facebook post was a joke among friends who had lost their phones) Vincent Solomeno did not break any laws that day in Amsterdam where prostitution is legal.

But in an amazing admission at the candidates debate in Manalapan last week, Solomeno admitted he would break the law with impunity should he be elected Monmouth County Surrogate.

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Posted: October 12th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monmouth Dems Solomeno and Doherty confess their lawlessness at Manalapan debate

Vin Gopal’s got a problem with powerful women

Boys Club: I bet you can't find a photo of Vin posing with three women

Boys Club: I bet you can’t find a photo of Vin posing with three women

The Monmouth County Democrats women problem goes beyond the fact that the party has only nominated 5 women to county or legislative offices, while nominating 26 men to higher office, since Vin Gopal became the Party Chairman in 2012.  The Monmouth GOP nominated 17 men and 14 women during the same period.

Gopal defended his abysmal record of nominating women by calling his candidates for county and legislative offices “sacrificial lambs” in The Asbury Park Press’s coverage of Democratic Surrogate candidate Vincent Solomeno’s  2007 facebook post bragging about “a swedish whore named cindy.”

“Yes, we do not run women as sacrificial lambs in races just for the sake of running women,” Gopal is quoted as saying to The Asbury Park Press.

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Posted: October 11th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats, Monmouth GOP, Vin Gopal | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Monmouth Republicans Boast Bi-Partisan Support At Summer/Campaign Kickoff

Bar A KimLake Como, NJ-Over 400 Monmouth County residents, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, packed into Bar Anticipation after the storm on Wednesday evening to kick off summer and to support the Republican slate of Monmouth County office holders who are seeking reelection in November.

The Republican team of Sheriff Shaun Golden, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters, Freeholder Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Freeholder Director Serena DiMaso held their 7th Annual Summer/Campaign Kickoff in the popular outdoor venue that features its own sand and cabanas a mile from the beach.  Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno was on hand to support her home county officials. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: June 9th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Monmouth Republicans Boast Bi-Partisan Support At Summer/Campaign Kickoff

Surrogate Rosemarie Peters Reminds County Residents of the Importance of Having a Will

By Caitlin Brown

IMG_4785 (640x286)FREEHOLD- Entertainment news has been dominated lately by the passing of one of the biggest names in music for over thirty years- Prince, who died suddenly at age 57. Although he passed away on April 21, this story will remain in the news for quite some time, due largely to the fact that the superstar seemingly did not leave a will to cover the vast wealth of his estate, according to his lawyers. The announcement of his death has led to hundreds of people coming forward to request DNA testing, in the hopes of being named an heir of his estate- an issue that will take months, perhaps even years, to resolve.

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Posted: May 14th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Surrogate Rosemarie Peters Reminds County Residents of the Importance of Having a Will

Surrogate Rosemarie Peters Addresses Shadow Lake Villagers

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Monmouth County Surrogate Rosemarie Peters

Middletown, NJ- Monmouth County Surrogate Rosemarie Peters addressed a group of about 50 residents of Shadow Lake Village on Sunday afternoon to introduce the services of her office and to remind residents of importance of preparing proper documents to ensure that they are properly cared for in the event of disability or illness and the proper distribution of the property upon their passing.

The Surrogate’s Office is actually a Court as well as a branch of the Superior Court, Chancery Division. The Surrogate serves as the Deputy Clerk of the Chancery Division, Probate Part, and as the Judge of the Surrogate Court.

According to the Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey,

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Posted: April 18th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Park System | Tags: , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Arnone Calls For Tax Cut, Boost of Local Jobs

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Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone

Freehold– Freehold Director Thomas A. Arnone called on his colleagues to reverse $4.9 million County property tax increase, 1.5%, imposed last year,  now that Monmouth County is no longer subsidizing the nursing homes that had cost Monmouth taxpayers almost $50 million over the last ten years.

Speaking at the annual reorganization of the County government on Wednesday afternoon, Arnone, who was elected as Director for 2016 by his fellow freeholders, announced that the auction of the nursing homes was completed this week and generated $32.4 million, $12.4 million more than expected.  Arnone said that as a result of no longer having to carry the nursing homes, that taxes should be reduced back to the level that the board had held steady from 2008 through 2014.  The Director told MoreMonmouthMusings that he would urge the Board to use the $32.4 million proceeds of the sale to reduce the County’s AAA rated debt.

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Posted: January 7th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Christine Hanlon, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County News, Property Taxes, Tom Arnone | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »