
In Highlands, Carolyn Broullon and John Urbanski are the best choices for council

Carolyn Broullon and John Urbanski

By Art Gallagher

When the September deadline for candidates to submit their petitions for Highlands’ non-partisan municipal elections passed, many in town were disappointed and concerned that there were only three candidates to choose from for the two seats.

Council President Carolyn Broullon is an obvious choice for reelection.  It’s hard to believe Broullon is finishing only her first term. She as accomplished a great deal in her three years on the council and has made a positive difference in the community.

Friends of former Councilman John Urbanski have launched a Write-In campaign to draft Urbanski into service.  I’m writing John in and I urge my neighbors in town to do the same. Johnny says he’s willing.  We all know he’s able.

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Posted: November 3rd, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Highlands, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Incumbent, challenger elected to Highlands Borough Council

Incumbent, challenger elected to Highlands Borough Council (via NJ.com)

HIGHLANDS – The borough’s voters elected two council members from a field of six at-large candidates vying for seats on the Borough Council on Tuesday night. According to Monmouth County’s unofficial election results, voters reelected Council President…

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Posted: May 14th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Highlands | Tags: , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Incumbent, challenger elected to Highlands Borough Council