
Monmouth Dem Candidates Speak At Anti-Cop, Anti-Christian Hate Group Meeting

Photo of police officers altered to depict them as nazis. click for clearer view

The Democrat candidate for Senate in LD 13, one of his Assembly running mates, the Monmouth Dem Freeholders candidates, and a Democrat candidate for Middletown Township Committee were the honored guests of a group that depicts police officers as nazis and Mother Theresa as a sadistic religious fanatic.   The group, District 4 Coalition for Change, has also posted a nude photo of First Lady Melania Trump on its facebook page.

Sean Byrnes, the former Middletown Township Committeeman running for Senate in LD 13, Mariel DiDato, the 25 year old Hazlet resident running for Assembly in LD 13, Lake Como Mayor Brian Wilton and his freeholder running mate Dr. Margie Donlon, and Tricia Maguire, a candidate for Middletown Township Committee were all invited to speak at the event which was held at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Lincroft.   The 80 people attending were asked to donate to the candidates’ campaigns.

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Posted: August 24th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 20 Comments »