

In “vote for two”  races, like Assembly, Council or Township Committee races, the percentages for each candidate are reported by the total of votes cast in that race, not by the number of voters who voted.

For example, in the 11th district Assembly race, Caroline Casagrande was the top vote getter with 18,679 votes.  There were 69,803 Assembly votes cast and 3799 under votes.  “Under votes” are voters who did not cast two votes in the Assembly race.  It could be voters who didn’t vote for Assembly at all or voters who cast one vote rather than two.   The County Clerk’s website reports that Casagrande received 26.76% of the vote.

The math is confusing. 

Fortunately we can look to the “vote for one” races, like the Senate races, to get a clearer picture of what happened.

In the 11th district Senate race there were 35,620 votes cast and 1240 under votes.  From this we can conclude that 36,860 people came out to vote in the district.  Jennifer Beck won handily with 56.59% of the Senate votes cast.  She earned the vote of 54.68% of the voters who came out.

Thus, Casagrande earned 50.68% of the votes of all voters who came out in the district, including those who skipped voting  in the Assembly race or only voted for one Assembly candidate rather than two.  Mary Pat Angelini got 49.97%, Vin Gopal got 41.60%, Kathy Horgan got 40.89% and Dan Jacobson received 6.35%.

Posted: November 9th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Percentages”

  1. MLaffey said at 7:39 pm on November 9th, 2011:

    This explains a lot about this race


  2. neptunematters said at 8:55 pm on November 9th, 2011:

    Mike Laffey,

    Very interesting and eye opening post. As a Neptune centric blog, the comments about Neptune’s Democrat leanings always hit home.

    Yes, we accept that Neptune is currently the laughing stock of the Monmouth County Republican household. But it need not be that way.

    It looks like Republican votes from Neptune Township for the county and ESPECIALLY the 11th district State Races could well be needed in the future.

    Yet, the Republican GOTV machine in Neptune continues to flounder year after year, sinking further and further into the hole. It’s now some 7 years we think since the last Republican win.

    We are going to write an article tomorrow on “The State Of Neptune Politics” and submit it to MMM for consideration.

    We hope they post it.

  3. very true, said at 12:04 pm on November 11th, 2011:

    there have been some valiant efforts by the dwindling Neptune GOP, to try and forge a resurgence, but, some in-fighting, lack of brave, sell-able candidates, and lack of funds has hampered them, among other ills.. hope they can locate some good, engaged, and helpful folks to step forward from Ocean Grove: years past always saw a core of old Neptuners turn out some good numbers from there and Shark River Hills, to balance out the heavily-Dem districts..Chair Don needs to re-double his efforts, (as do ALL of our town chairs,or, please, give it up, and let someone else take over!), to FILL all their county committee seats, build a better club/org., and find/ fund/field some good locals- it’s a 5-seat twp.committe, is past-time to successfully grab a couple of those seats!!