
Long Branch Official: Mr. Gopal is not listed as a qualified, trained firefighter in the City of Long Branch

Vin Gopal, the candidate for State Senate in the 11th Legislative District, is not a first responder.

Gopal apparently knows he’s been caught lying to the public for months and is now trying, poorly, to explain himself.

The Asbury Park Press knows about Gopal’s misrrepresentations.  Inexplicably, APP has yet to report on Gopal’s dishonesty.   APP endorsed Senator Jennifer Beck for reelection over Gopal.

In his TV commercials, Gopal claims he volunteers as a first responder in Long Branch.

On his campaign website, Gopal claims that he currently volunteers with the Long Branch Fire Department.

Kevin Hayes, the Business Administrator and the Public Safety Director of the City of Long Branch said the following in an email this morning:

Re: Verifying a Long Branch firefighter   
Fri, Nov 3, 2017 10:48 am
Kevin Hayes 

The Asbury Park Press sent the City an OPRA request last week for a copy of the fire department application for Mr. Gopal. After searching records with the City Clerk and the Fire Chief, we found that there is no application on file for Mr. Gopal and he was never approved by City Council as a member of the Long Branch Fire Department. I was informed by the President of one of our 9 fire companies, the Independent Engine and Truck Co. that Mr. Gopal was brought in to their fire company last year as an honorary member. He could not provide me with an application. An honorary member is not qualified to fight fires. The Fire Chief advises Mr. Gopal is not listed as a qualified, trained firefighter with the Long Branch Fire Department.

Kevin J. Hayes, Sr.

Business Administrator / Public Safety Director

City of Long Branch


From: Art
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 9:31 AM
To: Kevin Hayes
Subject: Verifying a Long Branch firefighter

Mr Hayes,

My apologies for reaching you off-hours this morning.
Vin Gopal says on his TV commercials that he volunteers as a first responder.  On his campaign website, Vin says “He currently volunteers with the Long Branch Fire Department.”

Is Vin Gopal a volunteer firefighter in Long Branch?

Art Gallagher

Update, November 6: Here’s a copy of the email for the commentor who wondered why I copied and pasted the email instead of posting  screen shot.  

Today,on facebook, Gopal lied again about being a member of the Long Branch Fire Department, while apparently trying to finesse his claim of currently being a first responder.

Gopal made a similar post on facebook last week, apparently after he heard the Asbury Park Press was investigating his claims.  MMM saved it. Click on it for a larger view:

Gopal did not join the Long Branch Fire Department last year, according to Hayes’s email this morning.

The candidate is not an EMT in Long Branch either.

Sam Tomaine, a trustee of the Long Branch First Aid Squad, told MMM, “I didn’t even know the guy until I saw all the campaign stuff pop up.  He’s nothing with us.”

According to New Jersey Office of Emergency Medical Services, Gopal is not currently certified.

Gopal has claimed, in debates and on his website, that he has gone on “hundreds of 911 calls.”  That might be true.  When he was in high school, Gopal was an EMT in Colts Neck, according to Jim Schatzle, a life member of the Colts Neck First Aid Squad and a former mayor of the Township.

Gopal also claimed to be an EMT in Freehold Township.   Mayor Lester Preston told MMM that there are no records of Gopal serving as an EMT and that no one seems to remember him.  Preston said that he was a firefighter for 27 years, retiring in 2007. He doesn’t remember Gopal serving as an EMT.  “But I’m significantly older than him,” Preston said of Gopal.  “I can’t swear that he didn’t serve.”




Posted: November 3rd, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: Jennifer Beck, Long Branch, Monmouth County News, Vin Gopal | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments »

7 Comments on “Long Branch Official: Mr. Gopal is not listed as a qualified, trained firefighter in the City of Long Branch”

  1. It is pathetic, said at 5:03 pm on November 3rd, 2017:

    the campaign all the Democrats have been running this year: running against Trump and Christie, just to stir up Blue State Hate. Having no message or platform,other than to raise all taxes, and spend more on their special interest groups, many of whom do not even work, or pay any taxes. All they have is personal attacks and innuendo, plus fudging their own thin resumes/ lack of experience. If this is good enough for a majority of our fellow residents, then we are in worse shape than I have feared all along! Wake up, and demand more, people!

  2. Tom Stokes said at 6:43 pm on November 3rd, 2017:

    Typical lying guttersnipe political hack.

    I wonder, did he ever wear the uniform of our country and serve in the military?

    Maybe he was a Boy Scout? Girl Scout? (Hey, you never know.)

    Sad commentary on human nature. I am surprised he hasn’t yet run an ad showing a truck trying to run over illegal aliens or muslims with a Vote GOP sticker on the truck (as the dems did in Virginia). Just sad.

    I urge all to pray for Vin, not that he wins, but that he can regain his soul from the depths of depravity it has fallen into (too many politcians fall into the same swamp).

  3. Proud Republican said at 7:47 pm on November 3rd, 2017:

    This is a mortal sin. You DO NOT ever take credit for military service or first responder service unless you actually served. Democrats despise both so it’s no wonder this little squirt thinks nothing of falsely claiming credit when it suits him. To all first responders – fire up the network and get this word out. Send him back to Perth Amboy

  4. Carolyn Schwebel said at 11:00 am on November 5th, 2017:

    “Lying guttersnipe political hack” ?? Sorry, but your gutter accusation is not true! I am astounded by the low level of Beck and MMM
    false accusations.
    VIN WILL WIN, I already voted for him..

  5. It is said at 5:59 pm on November 5th, 2017:

    voters like the above- stated that apparently don’t care about the honesty and integrity of those who seek to lead us. People like him will lead us, all right- right over the cliff, come January.. if people like Murphy and Gopal win Tuesday, it tells me it’s time to purge, sell, and get out of this state, that I used to love.

  6. D11 Voter said at 5:13 pm on November 6th, 2017:

    As a skeptic above all else:

    it strikes me as odd that the primary source of this post is the ONLY thing that is copy/pasted, rather than a screenshot.

  7. Ern Mignoli said at 1:42 pm on November 8th, 2017:

    I was born in Long Branch and a volunteer for LBFD 2nd and 3rd Avenue Houses and traveled with Michael J. DeLisa from fire house to house and to fires helping supply and maintain the trucks.
    All volunteers are to any city, invaluable, and want to help.

    First of all CBM FM PSD, Mr no college, Kevin Hayes Sr. is the least qualified anything, making $235,000 yr
    ++++ in his nepotistic unqualified capacity.
    Kevin Hayes Jr LBPD, a convicted felon cop, did 2 yrs in prison, for criminal activity on the job.

    Kevin Hayes Sr. and the Mayor and Asbury Park Press, probably crafted this attack of now New Jersey State Senator Vin Gopal, to get their candidate Beck reelected, Lt Governor Guadagno elected, and prevent Assembly Downey and Houghtaling reelection.

    Hayes Sr, CEO of the illegal Merchantile Business fire hazard Holy Smokes Cigar Club Long Branch Convent Star of the Sea Church 2nd floor enter by illegal fire escape, a political law enforcement city official political dumbbell think tank for felons child rapists cocaine dealers users DUI DWI members and
    visitors illegal alcohol abuse CDS marijuana gambeling money laundering political functions fundraisers and more; OPRA FOIA REQUEST RESULTS say HSCC doesn’t exist, really $$$$$$$$, it’s a LBPD APPD APFD LBFD MCSO MCPO AGA PLLC City Counsel approved illegal enterprise, also run by LBFD “Butchey”Guzzi, rented without CO from MCPO Muzzi Dioceses rental agent.

    Long Branch and Asbury Park are crime corruption violence drugs alcohol abuse CDS DUI DWI major centers, and the direct result and by who is running it.

    This un American email letter APP release by Mr. no college CBM Hayes Sr. bully abuse of power dumbbell,
    AG should open up an investigation re;
    CBM PSD FM Hayes Sr. And Lt LBFD Guzzi Holy Smokes Cigar Club Long Branch and Oceanport…Google it!!
    Facebook it, Golf Fundraisers Political Fundraisers.

    PSD CBM Hayes Sr reached his Peter Principle at Richter Garage changing oil.

    Concerned Citizen AsburyParkCitizen@gmail.com