
Keyport Councilman Clem Toglia Passes Away At 53


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Keyport Councilman Clemente Toglia passed away yesterday.   He was 53 years old.

Former Keyport Mayor Bob McLeod said Toglia had a heart attack while driving home from his office at Dominion Financial Group in Tinton Falls.

“He was a vibrant young man, ” McLeod said,”friendly, started of couple a businesses, played in a band, self-employed.”

Tinton Falls Police confirmed that Togila was involved in a two car accident on Shrewsbury Ave at about 3:30 yesterday afternoon.

He was pronounced dead at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank at 4:34 PM.

Toglia was reelected to his second term on the Keyport Council last November.  He would have been sworn in today.

“Clem was an excellent man and an excellent public servant,” Mayor Harry Aumack said, “He was, a very good listener.  When he did speak up, everyone listened. He will be missed.”

Toglia is survived by his wife, Danielle.



Posted: January 1st, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Keyport | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Keyport Councilman Clem Toglia Passes Away At 53”

  1. Ralph Ehmann said at 11:46 am on January 2nd, 2014:

    Sorry to hear we lost another friend from class of 79
    My prayers are with the family

  2. Tanzina said at 8:38 pm on January 2nd, 2014:

    Clem was an angel on earth.

  3. alex nunez said at 12:44 am on January 3rd, 2014:

    So devastating losing a truely gentle, caring, and giving guy. Clem touched all around him with his soft loving way. You will be missed greatly. We love uou danielle and are praying for you!

  4. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Warren Chamberlain Fills Keyport Council Seat said at 10:33 am on January 26th, 2014:

    […]  Chamberlain was selected by the Keyport Republican Committee on Thursday to fill the seat of Clemente Toglia, the reelected council member who died suddenly on December 31, the day before his new term was to […]