
Is Marlboro in play?

Hornberg cropped jpgLabor Day is still a week off, but the political season is already underway in the most unlikely place; Marlboro Township where Democratic incumbents Mayor Jon Hornik and Councilwoman Randi Marder are running for their third terms with newcomer, Councilman Mike Scalea who is running for his first full term after replacing Frank LaRocca on the governing body.  LaRocca resigned from the council and quit politics to become the Municipal Judge in Keyport in January.

Both the Democrats and Republicans have launched their campaigns on social media and both have major campaign events this week.

As noted on PolitickerNJ, Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnik and Monmouth GOP Chairman Shaun Golden are headlining a fundraiser for the “PositivelyMarlboro” team of Republican newcomers Ira Goldberg for mayor and Sui Allex and former Board of Education member John Dwyer for council on Wednesday night at the Bella Vista Country Club.

The Democrats are hosting a free “kickoff event” at the home of Hornik’s law partner (an unelected Deputy Mayor) Larry Rosen tomorrow night.

Related article: Hornik Confident at Campaign Kickoff

Marlboro usually votes Republican on the county, state and federal level.  But since Hornik was first elected in 2007 in a contentious race with then incumbent Robert Kleinberg The Marlboro Man has bedeviled the Marlboro GOP by recruiting their best talent, including two council members who were first elected as Republicans, Jeff Cantor and Carol Mazzola, to his team.

Both Cantor and Mazzola cited a dysfunctional Marlboro GOP that was “deeply divided into factions, most of which are operating out of their own self-interest,” when they became Democrats and joined Hornik’s team.

Marlboro’s new Republican Chair, Selika Josiah Gore is endeavoring to rebuild a “positive” GOP in the township and promises issues oriented campaigns that are free of the personal angst that has characterized the the last few municipal races in the Township.




Posted: August 31st, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Marlboro, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Is Marlboro in play?”

  1. Jimmy Jones said at 8:16 pm on August 31st, 2015:

    I understand that they want to start some buzz but their chances are slim to none. Even Republican officials in surrounding towns will confidentially tell you that the current Marlboro administration is doing a good job.

  2. Politics 101: said at 9:10 pm on September 1st, 2015:

    not for nothing, but make the names on the sign match the photos: if I’m a new Marlboro voter, it looks like the lady on the left is Hornik.. I know, he and his team will likely win anyhow, but, little details do matter, in all aspects of a campaign, no?.. Like, taking the time and having several pairs of eyes reading all invites, releases, flyers, et al, before going to print, to avoid having misspelled names, the wrong year on it, etc..