
Guadagno tells veterans: Kneeling for anthem is not right

TOMS RIVER — Republican nominee for New Jersey governor Kim Guadagno told a group of military veterans Saturday morning that while the U.S. constitution gives people the right to kneel in protest during the National Anthem, that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. “As governor, I would have to set an example,” Guadagno, the…

Posted: November 4th, 2017 | Author: | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, New Jersey | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Guadagno tells veterans: Kneeling for anthem is not right”

  1. Concerned Democrat said at 9:04 pm on November 4th, 2017:

    Having come from a rather large family of democrats, and knowing how many supported Bernie Sanders, I am calling for all Bernie Sanders supporters who are outraged by the revelations of the rigged DNC primaries bought and paid for by Hillary to express their outrage on Tuesday.

    Send the DNC and the Democratic Party a really strong message that we need change. We don’t need to be the party of Wall Street!

    Write in Bernie Sanders for Governor and let the party know how upset we all are!

  2. There ya go, Governor, said at 9:36 pm on November 4th, 2017:

    this is an issue that transcends party: 70% to 30% of Americans support standing for the anthem at all public events.. ( should be 90%, but there you go with political correctness these days,) this is an emotional and winning issue- now, which one of our fine legislators will pledge to introduce a bill to make it mandatory in NJ to stand in public for our national anthem? Let’s face it, folks: Murphy is so wrong for NJ it is scary he is ahead in most polls: we have 3 days to turn this thing around, or face certain destruction of our state!

  3. Bob English said at 11:14 pm on November 4th, 2017:

    @Concerned….Nobody can “rig” a primary which were run by the individual states. I liked Bernie (and he probably would have beaten Trump) but HC won the nomination fair and square.

  4. Oh, stop! said at 7:59 pm on November 5th, 2017:

    Go on Drudge, and read about what went on with the Democrats last year, while Donna Brazile was interim chair: her book is an interesting study in how much money, and now, gender, (and certainly race,) are more important, than fielding the best each party has to offer! I have nothing in common with Sanders, but he was absolutely screwed by his party apparatus- once again in favor of her , the obvious criminal, who imho, needs to be prosecuted for her various, ongoing, likely crimes!!