
Christie Says He Will Finish His Term And Enter The Private Sector

Senator Jennifer Beck says she’s pleased with the Governor’s Committment

Beck Christie Smith Ocean Grove (523x458)

file photo. Governor Chris Christie and Sen Jennifer Beck , along with Congressman Chris Smith and former Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande at the Ocean Grove boardwalk ribbon cutting in July, 2014

During a lengthy press conference wherein he answered all of the questions of reporters present, Governor Chris Christie said that he will serve the remainder of his term as governor and enter the private sector.  “There is nothing that can change that,” Christie said, ruling out a position in the next presidential administration.

“In between now and then, I will be working as hard as I can doing things right for the people of the State, the same way I have for the last six years,” said the governor.

Christie said that he is not a full time participant in the Trump for President campaign and that his travel out of state for Trump will be occasional.

The Governor’s statements satisfied Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) who yesterday called for Christie to recommit to his job or to resign.

“I am pleased that Governor Christie reaffirmed his commitment to invest his time, energy and effort into the serious policy issues that New Jersey faces, and that his time will be spent here in our State” said Beck.

Kevin Roberts, Christie’s Director of Communications, said “Governor Christie appreciates Senator Beck’s statement and for her unqualified support of his agenda to continue making progress for New Jersey over the next 21 months.”

Christie’s entire press conference can be viewed below, courtesy of NJTV and YouTube.

Posted: March 3rd, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie, Jennifer Beck, Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Christie Says He Will Finish His Term And Enter The Private Sector”

  1. Jennifer Beck Has to Go! said at 7:07 am on March 7th, 2016:

    Jennifer Beck’s support to this disgusting and unethical governor has only emboldened him.

    Beck had the opportunity to override his veto of the Port Authority Transparency and Accountability Act, which she and the entire legislature voted for. However, she failed to be present to override the governor. How convenient to protect this governor.

    Sorry Jen, to little to late.