
Attention Highlands and Sea Bright residents: Your input matters

New-Jersey-Future-logoNew Jersey Future has teamed up with a research scientist from Carnegie Mellon University to support Highlands and Sea Bright in our effort to develop a long-term resiliency plan.  One part of this support involves reaching out to and engaging with the public to talk about flooding risk and plausible solutions. To that end, they developed a short survey to understand how best to talk about these issues with community members.

Please help our community in its plan for recovery and resiliency.This 10-15 minute survey will ask about your beliefs on flooding and flooding risk. Your answers will help Highlands, Sea Bright and New Jersey Future make plans for long-term community resiliency.  In a few months, New Jersey Future will publish a summary of the answers given by the community.

Here is the link to the survey:  http://njfuture.org/risksurvey

Posted: August 25th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: Highlands, Hurricane Sandy, Monmouth County, New Jersey Future, Sean Kean | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Attention Highlands and Sea Bright residents: Your input matters

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