
Art G joins Tommy G on the radio this afternoon: WCTC 1450 AM

ArtG and TommyGMMM publisher Art Gallagher will be TommyG’s guest on the TommyG radio show this afternoon from 3-3:30.  Art and Tommy will be talking about what’s ahead in 2016.  There’s lots to talk about.

The show can be heard on you AM radio in Central Jersey at 1450. Or listen on the net from you phone or computer here.

Everyone knows we’ll be electing a new President this year.  Will Donald Trump be the Republican nominee?  Tune in to hear why or why not.

But there’s a lot happening in New Jersey right now that will unfold, for better or worse this year.  Shenanigans in the Legislature that could make New Jersey even more unaffordable and fix our elections for years to come.   Affordable Housing mandates, formerly known as COAH, are back and are already tearing at the fabric on Central Jersey, especially Western Monmouth communities.  It has only begun.  It in only the eighth of January and already the Monmouth County election campaign for Sheriff, Surrogate and two Freeholder seats have begun.

Is Central Jersey immune from the War on Terror?

Tune at at 3pm for some surprises, laughs and more than a little outrage.

Posted: January 8th, 2016 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County News | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Art G joins Tommy G on the radio this afternoon: WCTC 1450 AM

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